The 5ADR is an aggregate of the average daily range of price activity over the last five days. When we look for trading opportunities we want to focus on Forex pairs which are moving, not stagnating. These typically give the best entry signals and provide good profit targets.
These provide the groundwork for our three times a week Forex notes provided through Go Markets.
Come back daily to make sure you are trading the best possible pairs.
Where Is Daryl Speaking Next?
Lost gold buys insurrection guns and brings betrayal in the outback, destroying love, alliances and friendships. Who will survive? GULF is an authentic outback voice where unique lifestyles and cultures co-exist uneasily. Available NOW! on Amazon and other digital bookstores.
Also available via Amazon’s Print on Demand.
Who Is Daryl Guppy?
Daryl Guppy is a dynamic speaker on financial markets and trading. He delivers full value to the audience with updated material that is immediately relevant to today’s market. Whether by live audience, or by webinar, these are presentations you do not want to miss.
Daryl Guppy appears regularly on CNBCAsia and is known as "The Chart Man" for his expertise in technical analysis. He is an equity and derivatives trader and author of books including Share Trading, Market Trading Tactics, Snapshot Trading, Better Stock Trading, Trend Trading and The 36 Strategies of The Chinese For Financial Traders.
Daryl Guppy has contributed weekly columns to financial magazines and media including:
• 'Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities' magazine.
• CNBC Asia website
• CGTN Digital
• The Singapore and Malaysian business weekly, 'TheEdge'.
• Singapore Business Times
• 'Active Trader'.
• 'Your Trading Edge'.
• China Daily
• Weekly on Stocks
• 'Shanghai Security News' (Mandarin only)
What Do We Do Here?
Guppytraders.com is an international financial market education and training organisation with offices in Darwin, Singapore and Beijing. We provide independent education, training, analysis and resources for retail and professional financial market traders involved in stocks, CFD’s, warrants, derivatives, futures and commodities since 1996. Our objective is to provide you with quality independent education and professional assistance because the financial market does not recognise learner traders.
Guppytraders.com provides:
- Personally signed copies of Daryl Guppy's books.
- Weekly market newsletters for Australian markets.
- Weekly analysis newsletter for the China mainland market.
- Extensive independent internet resources for traders.
- National and international trading seminars.
- Professional certified financial training for traders.
- Charting products and training products.
- Analysis to financial media, including CNBCAsia and Reuters.
- Workshops for companies with business in China.